
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Biggest remaining risk of data loss?

Failures happen.

Computer have been getting better at handling failures and making it easier to recover. The industry has tackled all of the big issues.

  • If my hard-drive fails, my RAID system will ensure my data is not lost.
  • If my machine burns to the ground, my off-site backups restrict the amount of data I can lose.
  • If the power fails or the operating system crashes, most of my applications will have auto-saved to temporary files, so not much data is lost.
  • If I type the wrong key-sequence, most of my applications support multi-level Undo, so no data is lost.
  • If I forget a password, my Password Safe database will remind me.
  • If I quit from an application without saving, most of my applications will prompt me to save my file.

That brings me to what I suspect is my biggest remaining risk for data loss….

When I am prompted whether I want to save a file before quitting, I might have a braino, and type ‘N’ when I mean ‘Y’.

It doesn’t catch me often, but when it does… Ugh!

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