
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Conned by the Shell Game

“She sells sea-shells by the sea-shore.”

Err… Thanks, but no thanks. I’m fine for sea-shells at the moment. Selling sea-shells, huh? Sounds like a relaxing job, but do you reckon she can make a living out of it? Especially at the beach – lots of free shells there. She should probably go inland a bit where the shells aren’t in such plentiful supply. Probably could charge a bit more for them there. Do you know her well? You might like to suggest the idea – just a word in her shell-like, so to speak!

“The shells she sells are sea-shells, I’m sure.”

I didn’t doubt that for a moment. What other sort of shells could she be selling? Snail shells? Surely, there’s no market for that!

But wait, why would you even bring this up?

And such odd wording. Not “They are definitely sea-shells!” or “I personally guarantee these shells are from the sea”, but “sea-shells, I’m sure.” The wording makes it almost sound tentative, despite the phrase “I’m sure” – it’s sounds like you are trying to reassure yourself!

… or give yourself some distance from the claim. Like you are saying: “She wouldn’t lie about the shells, would she? Surely not?”

Why should I trust you? Why do I think that later you will say “Oh wow! I could have sworn they were sea-shells. So sorry you got ripped off by her!”? How well did you say you knew her? Are you trying to trick me into buying snail shells? What sort of weird scam is this?

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