
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

A “Practical” Joke

A lab technician was responsible for sourcing the supplies for student practicals. My father, Joe, simply had to provide a list of what was required.

He decided to put an academic spin on the old prank of sending out the apprentice for striped paint or a long weight. Amongst the real list of his needs (oscilloscopes, cane toads, plants, etc.), he sprinkled a few tricks. The list included requests for impossible items such as a fresh sample of coelacanth for each student.

When the technician looked down the list, and innocently asked where she could find a human baculum, Joe sent her downstair to speak to his colleague, Geoff.

Geoff immediately realised what was going on. “Joe sent you? You go back to Joe and tell him that he has the biggest and finest specimen of a baculum that I’ve ever seen?”


  1. I would just like to verify the truth of this story – I knew the hapless technician and worked with her for awhile. I can also verify the sheep prac story!

    do you remember the phantom dog which kept you anxious for several days…?

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