
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Online Photo DB: Stage 4t – Evaluation of Acquia Drupal

This post is part of the Online Photo Database project documentation. Learn more about the project’s current status.

Which requirements does Acquia Drupal meet?

Id Pri Requirement Pass? Notes
GEN1 C Accessible by a typical web-browser Y
GEN2 I Active development of new features Y
OWN1 C Ownership of photos is retained by me. Y
OWN2 C Future-proofed against money running out: mine or yours Y Dependency on Acquia exists.
OWN3 I Ownership of meta-data is retained by me. Y
CAT1 C Photographs grouped into albums by event Y
CAT2 C Photographs tagged with people Y
CAT3 I Photographs tagged with locations, objects, activities Y Bonus: Separate type of tag
CAT4 I Performers tagged with real and stage names. Y Bonus: Separate type of tag
CAT5 I Attribution of photographer details Y Negative: Need to do some hackery.
CAT6 I Attribution of copyright owner’s details N
CAT7 I Rating of photographs Y
CAT8 I Sorting/Filtering by rating N?
CAT9 D Albums grouped by type Y
CAT10 D Albums grouped by date N Subtypes win out.
CAT11 D Areas or points of photograph tagged N
CAT12 D Simple contact management of subjects N
CAT13 D Hidden fields on contacts to distinguish like-named people N
CAT14 D Tagging of anonymous people to enable searching N
CAT15 D Corrections to names update everywhere Y
CAT16 D Attribution of copyright details N
CAT17 D Control over (default) ordering Y? Give every photo a rating on a 20 point scale.
S+L1 C Link to other photos with same tag within an album Y
S+L2 I Associate URLs with subjects, that are displayed. Y Alright! Finally!
S+L3 I Link to other photos with same tag across my albums Y
S+L4 I Search of tags by keyword Y
S+L5 I Cross-promotion of other albums and sites. Y
S+L6 D Link to other photos with same tag across other photo sites Y Theoretically, by convention, yes.
S+L7 D Search of album names by keyword N
S+L8 D User-generatable URLs to search tags by keyword Y
COMM1 D Multi-user Tagging ?
COMM2 D Notifications of appearance in photos N
COMM3 D Comments permitted Y
COMM4 D Notification of comments Y
COMM5 D RSS or Atom Feeds for comments Y
COMM6 D RSS or Atom Feeds for subjects N?
COMM7 D RSS or Atom Feeds for new photos Y
PQ1 C Web-quality images shall be displayed by default. Y
PQ2 I Print-quality images shall be available. Y
PQ3 I Automatically generated thumbnail and web-quality versions. Y Performed beautifully
PQ4 D Archive-quality images shall be stored. Y
PQ5 D Custom thumbnails (e.g. choosing to crop over shrinking.) N
PQ6 D Support for short video N? Surely must be plugins for this.
PQ7 D Support for long video N? Surely must be plugins for this.
PERF1 I Quota > 0.5 TB, if any Y
PERF2 I Low-cost Y
PERF3 I Fast response time Y
PERF4 I Scale to thousands of tags Y
PERF5 I < 1 minute face-time per photograph N Having to set a photo title is a problem. Bulk upload is buggy?
PERF6 D Free Y
UI1 C Forward/Backward navigation between photos in album. N!!! Must be possible! Must be!
UI2 D Slideshows N
UI3 D Display of many thumbnails at once Y? Works for albums, not for tags.
PRIV1 C Their email address should never be published on the web. Y
PRIV2 I Registration and logging in not required for general use. Y
PRIV3 I Robust privacy features for photographs Y Didn’t even look. Assumed.
WF1 I Hint to original location on my harddrive N
WF2 I Auto-complete or partial search on tags during input Y
WF3 D Read EXIF data from image N?
WF4 D Support unpublished draft state N?
MIGR1 C API to add photos Y
MIGR2 C API to add tags Y
MIGR3 I Tags can be non-specific to areas of photo N
METR1 D “How many visitors?” metric ?
METR2 D “How long does a visitor stay?” metric N

Installation and Configuration

Acquia Drupal 6.6 is both much, much easier to set-up than Drupal 5.0, and very difficult to set-up.

The installation was painless. It was the configuration that was difficult.

The sheer quantity of modules and flexibility of the system made it difficult to know where to start, and where to look.

Throw in a few bugs, and the process becomes very daunting.

However, perhaps because of the experience I had with Drupal in the past, I didn’t find it overwhelming. At each challenge, I had the feeling that this was possible to fix – I just needed to search the entire dungeon until I found out how.

I haven’t documented every challenge I encountered and then solved. This summary is too long as it is.


My plan was to not register with Acquia for support. I was just going to leech of their open-source distribution. The tool doesn’t like you doing that, and forces you to register with nag boxes that appear on the live site. They do offer a free license for small sites (with very limited support options, which is only fair.) Registration was unnecessarily difficult with key information well hidden.

I am uncomfortable that, even though it is free, I am locked in with Acquia. When Acquia folds in the Dot Com Crash 2.0, and my current license expires, how much development will I need to do to unhook their nagware? It is less than the effort I would need to do with a third-party host, so I guess I can’t complain too much. It just devalues the level of open-sourcedness I was expecting.


I did encounter some bugs:

Image Sizes

The first time I uploaded an image, it failed to create a thumbnail (with an exception) because the image was too big. I tried with another image. This time it gave a nice error message that the 1.17MB image was larger than the 800KB limit, and the photo couldn’t be accepted. The next line reported that the image was successfully created. So much for checking error codes!

Did I mention that Drupal was feature-rich and had lots of options? The 800 KB limit was configurable, so I changed it to 1 GB. The image processing module was selectable. I changed from GD2 to ImageMagick in the hope it did better memory-handling. After that, I didn’t see the problem recurr.

Missing Settings Page

Another problem occurred with its bulk upload feature. (Generally, these work by ftping many images to a specific directory, then pointing the gallery software to that directory.) Drupal reported that the bulk upload module it hadn’t been configured with a directory path, which was true. However, the bulk upload module failed to make its setting page available, so I couldn’t configure it. (The link that pointed to the settings page was broken.)

Investigating further, I found that the bulk upload module’s is called “Image Import 6.x-1.0-alpha3”. The 6.x refers to the Drupal version. This is an alpha release of a module. In fact, five of the image-related modules were alpha versions (and two more were betas). Yet they are included with a production version of Acquia?

Isn’t the very reason that I am leeching of Acquia’s hard-work is that they have taken steps to ensure there are no dodgy modules that can’t even be started on a clean install of a carefully eco-system of modules. That left a sour taste in my mouth. Acquia is going to have to do better than that, if they want to keep leeches like me around!


To be fair, the bits of Drupal that did work generally seemed to work very well.

I liked that I could separate the tags associated with people from the tags associated with activities, locations, stage names etc.

Need More Work

The display of the tags as one long list may need some work. For example, I was able to create a field to specify who the photographer was, but only by creating a new tag type, Photographer, with values like “[Photo Credit: Bob]”, and then telling Drupal to sort them Photographers last in the tag list.

I could group galleries as a tree, but I couldn’t get the menu to display them as an (expanded) tree, to make selection easier.

When selecting to show all images with a tag, it could display some set text (which is great; I can reference other sites with photos of that person.) However, the photos were then displayed as a list of images, rather than as a gallery, which means it was a long vertical list, on thumbnail per row.

The big surprise was that, when I had an image open, I couldn’t advance forward or backward to the next image in the sequence (whatever that sequence may be). That is a critical requirement, and one of the key missing features in my custom software site. It is impossible for me to rule out that it was merely one configuration setting, or one new module installation away, but I couldn’t see how it would be done.


I think I have seen a big jump forward in Drupal. As a CMS, it remains as one of the first I would grab for a new, moderately complex site. However, I am afraid it isn’t there yet for photo galleries.


  1. Just turn off the two Acquia Modules, and there is no “nagware”. All of Acquia’s Drupal distribution is fully GPL.

    And yep, there’s lots of configuration. Views could probably be configured to do all the photo / gallery stuff you want. The “tag views” are lists by default — whether the items are blog posts or images.

    A one click gallery module would probably be a great addition to Acquia 😛

  2. Acquia includes alpha modules for a reason, which is stated on the downloads page “Acquia Drupal may include released, beta, alpha, or patched modules depending on which version is determined to be the most current, stable, secure and appropriate version for general use.”

    re: image gallery browsing, you can see a demo of it on the lightbox2 site which may be what you are looking for. See http://www.stellapower.net/lightbox2

  3. In a bizarre twist (not really), WebMonkey linked to a piece on the new Drupal installer, which might make the getting up and running step just a little easier. However, I’d wager it does nothing to improve Drupal’s chance of being a good Photo DB for you.

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