
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

You are so ugly…

I had another terrible idea for a prank, that I am completely ashamed of.

Tell your mark “You’re so ugly, if you look up ugly in the encyclopaedia, they’ve got a picture of your face. Don’t believe me? Here’s proof!”

That’s when you take them to the previously-prepared wikipedia entry which, sure enough, has a picture of them.

[Either the page would have need to be edited manually for each mark, or it could include an IMG reference to either the local file system or to localhost, so everyone could have some fun simply by putting a file in the right place on their own machine.]

When writing this up this original idea here, I thought I had better actually check the history log of the Wikipedia entry on ugly… Unfortunately, not only have many other people had this idea before me – and even carried it out – but most of the entries are childish, poorly written references to their sisters or teachers.

So, I am both unoriginal, and have the maturity of a school-child… hmm, I wonder if my picture appears in Wikipedia under those pages.


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