
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

It is what Julian would have wanted…

I am concerned that when I die, it will be like in the movies or on TV. Someone will turn to the bereaved and say “We have to continue with the big match/mountain ascension/wild sex party/insert-project-name-here. It is what Julian would have wanted…”

I think that is a little bit too much pressure to put upon the grief-stricken.

I am quite happy for the bereaved to focus on dealing with their grief – graveside vigils; weeping themselves to sleep with the words “Julian, I still love you” on their lips; building monuments in my honour; breaking down on the street screaming “Why? Why is it always the handsome, intelligent and brave ones that go?”; investigating the process of canonisation, etc.

They are going to be quite busy with these tasks. Given that I am dead, I don’t care that much any more about the big project.

After all, you could just outsource it. It is what Julian would have wanted…


  1. I worry about what might happen if a colleague or two were to step out in front of the metaphorical bus, but I truly don’t care what happens to them if I get hit.

  2. I’d rather outsource the graveside vigils and such, so we can get on with the wild sex party. Could you bequeath some money to fund the party? (I can’t promise we won’t use your corpse, but it will be a very respectful service)

  3. Thanks for the suggestion, Cassie, but I am not sure that’s what Julian would have wanted.

  4. Given that you are dead, what do you care about whether we mourn or use your corpse in a wild sex party?

  5. Because being jealous of my own corpse is not very becoming.

  6. “Good Lord, don’t tell me even your CLOTHES are getting more action than you.”

    Also, I like the way Cassie thinks. *g*

  7. Aristotle, does this mean you want to get it on with Julian’s corpse?

  8. Errr… I am really not sure I like where this is going! Is there any possible outcome of this discussion that doesn’t involve me being, at best, insulted or, at worst, killed as part of an evil pact of sex-crazed, necrophilic blog-readers?

    Perhaps I need to update my definition of least valuable readers!

    I warn you: if you stalk me down, murder me and rape my corpse then I will post some very scathing things about you on my blog! Very scathing, indeed.

  9. Ooh… big words for a DEAD MAN!

  10. Don’t suggest things that you don’t want your readers to take and run with next time! Noone to blame but yourself, buddy. :-P

    Cassie: no, but would you mind if I watch?

  11. Julian: to answer your latest question, I guess we could skip the stalking and murdering and just go straight to phase 3. This would also solve one of your earlier concerns – you will no longer have a need to be jealous of your corpse.

    Aristotle: interested?

  12. Who am I to say no?

  13. Aristotle: Excellent! Hmm… any suggestions on how to set this up without Julian finding out?

    Julian: Could you just go entertain yourself for a while? Unless… well… you did say you didn’t want to be jealous of your own corpse, so perhaps you’d like to help us organise things?

  14. I warn you: if you stalk me down, murder me and rape my corpse then I will post some very scathing things about you on my blog! Very scathing, indeed.

    You could include it as part of your TDPS program.

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