
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Happy-New-Year protocol DOS vulnerability

Wishing someone a Happy New Year may subject you to a Denial-of-Service Attack


Breaking the (Slide) Rules

In which Julian uses a modern computer (capable of billions of multiplications a second) as a notebook to record how to make a slide-rule (capable of performing a few per minute).


Categories: Doubleplus Geek

iPod v. BIOS

I just discovered the source of an intermittent boot problem I have noticed with my new computer. It was so bizarre, I wanted to tell someone immediately, and I know at least some of you guys will understand.


HAL BBS Backdoors

There was a rumour out on the web out there that HAL BBS wasn’t to be trusted – it had two backdoors built into the software. It was compiled BASIC, so it wasn’t easy to view the source, but I had a bash at finding those backdoors.


Categories: Based On A True Story,Doubleplus Geek
Tags: bbs, commodore 64, hacking, security

Age, Membership Length and Reputation Distribution on StackOverflow

Inspired by a post there, I wrote a simple web-crawler that looked at the age, membership length and reputation of the users of StackOverflow.

I describe the method below, for people who like hearing about software. I graph the results below for people who like looking at colourful graphs. At the bottom, I have a quick conclusion for people who just want the summary.


Categories: Doubleplus Geek,Observation
Tags: graphs, stackoverflow, statistics

Chemical Word Ladders

In which Julian stumbles over the concept of Chemical Word Ladders, and proceeds to generate them.


Chaos Theory References over Internet History: Exploring your world with graphs

Categories: Doubleplus Geek
Tags: chaos theory, graph, internet, memes, Observation, statistics

Knuth’s Greatest Ever Paper

The blogosphere tilted on its axis slightly last week when Donald Knuth had a birthday, and every Computer Science geek rushed to provide a tribute.


Categories: Doubleplus Geek,Humour
Tags: computer science, Humour, knuth

Message-Passing in my Puzzle-Solving Architecture

This article focuses on that message-passing system and the variants I have tried in the puzzle-solving architecture that has evolved over a number of pet projects.


Categories: Doubleplus Geek,Puzzle Solving,S/W Dev
Tags: architecture, puzzle, software

Shuffling and Ownage

In which Jeff Atwood dismisses my experience as “naïve”…


Categories: Doubleplus Geek,Insufficiently Advanced Technology,S/W Dev
Tags: cards, Coding Horror, randomness, security, shuffling