
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Christmas Party = Eating + Drinking + Game Theory

It’s a corporate Christmas party, around 1999. The dot com crash hasn’t happened yet, the party-organisers have a considerable budget, 200-300 guests, and an idea of a good time strongly influenced by the company’s sales and marketing teams – people who have a tendency to differ from my idea of a good time.

I consider how to maximise my happiness in this situation.


Separation of Church and Postage

Why is it cheaper to send a Christmas card?


Categories: Observation
Tags: Australia Post, Australian culture, Christmas, economics, scrooge

A Christmas Tradition

It was a tough bet to accept. At that age, a dollar was a lot of money for me. I was going to have to make some sacrifices, scrimping for the first five years until the debt was paid, but then I was going to be on Easy Street, collecting twenty cents a year, every year, for virtually no effort.


Christmas Threats

If – and only if – I don’t see you before then, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.