
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Trackback tricks

I’ve been losing a few skirmishes against Trackback spam recently. More than a few, I guess; they are hammering the site.


Common Phrase Experiment

Did you ever notice that some people (all people?) have certain phrases that they use a disproportionately high percentage of the time?

You may find in infuriating or endearing – probably depending on what you think of the person anyway.

I was wondering what my commonly-repeated phrases might be.

Then I realised I had a large corpus of my writing on this blog, and I may be able to do an experiment to find out.


Compact Monthly Archive Widget – 1.0 Released

The Compact Monthly Archive (CMA) Widget has just been released at 1.0.

This widget has been on the sidebar on the left of OddThinking for 9 months, but now it is available for you own WordPress blog.


Categories: About OddThinking,S/W Dev
Tags: cma, plugin, software, widget, WordPress

EmailShroud 2.2 is now available

With XHTML validity, new JavaScript, better caching and the first new palindromic version number since 1.0.1.

Click on the EmailShroud 2.2 link on the menu on the left, or go the long way round.


EmailShroud 2.2 Beta Testing

I am “eating my own dog-food” by testing Emailshroud 2.2, live on OddThinking.

If you notice any problems you can email me at emailshroud.


Recent Down-Times, An Exploration

Recently (since the move to a new server a few months ago), Somethinkodd.com has been down for a couple of minutes, many many times.


Blog Software Upgrades

Just a quick note to explain that I have upgraded OddThinking to WordPress 2.2.1.


Vale Joe

I haven’t been posting here regularly for the past couple of months. The reason is that I have been rather distracted; my father was diagnosed with a fatal illness in April, and passed away this week.


New web host

If you are reading this on the OddThinking site: Congratulations, your DNS is up-to-date. If you are reading this on a feed aggregator: Congratulations, their DNS is up-to-date. If you are reading this through an email subscription: Bah! That proves nothing! Let me know if you notice any peculiarities with the new home. Update: Now […]


Categories: About OddThinking
Tags: oddthinking

Transitioning + CISRA Puzzles

I’ve been quiet lately, because I have been working hard on transitioning to a new web host provider. I am sure there will be a few posts about that once the dust has settled. Hopefully any down time during the transition will be kept to a minimum. If I did have spare time, I wouldn’t […]