
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Online Photo DB: Stage 4l – Evaluation of PixelPost

This post is part of the Online Photo Database project documentation. Learn more about the project’s current status.

Which requirements does PixelPost meet?

Id Pri Requirement Pass? Notes
GEN1 C Accessible by a typical web-browser Y
GEN2 I Active development of new features Y
OWN1 C Ownership of photos is retained by me. Y
OWN2 C Future-proofed against money running out: mine or yours Y
OWN3 I Ownership of meta-data is retained by me. Y
CAT1 C Photographs grouped into albums by event Y
CAT2 C Photographs tagged with people Y
CAT3 I Photographs tagged with locations, objects, activities Y
CAT4 I Performers tagged with real and stage names. Y
CAT5 I Attribution of photographer details N
CAT6 I Attribution of copyright owner’s details N
CAT7 I Rating of photographs N
CAT8 I Sorting/Filtering by rating N
CAT9 D Albums grouped by type N
CAT10 D Albums grouped by date N
CAT11 D Areas or points of photograph tagged N
CAT12 D Simple contact management of subjects N
CAT13 D Hidden fields on contacts to distinguish like-named people N
CAT14 D Tagging of anonymous people to enable searching N
CAT15 D Corrections to names update everywhere N
CAT16 D Attribution of copyright details N
CAT17 D Control over (default) ordering N
S+L1 C Link to other photos with same tag within an album N
S+L2 I Associate URLs with subjects, that are displayed. N
S+L3 I Link to other photos with same tag across my albums N
S+L4 I Search of tags by keyword N
S+L5 I Cross-promotion of other albums and sites. N
S+L6 D Link to other photos with same tag across other photo sites N
S+L7 D Search of album names by keyword N
S+L8 D User-generatable URLs to search tags by keyword N
COMM1 D Multi-user Tagging N
COMM2 D Notifications of appearance in photos N
COMM3 D Comments permitted Y
COMM4 D Notification of comments Y
COMM5 D RSS or Atom Feeds for comments Y
COMM6 D RSS or Atom Feeds for subjects N
COMM7 D RSS or Atom Feeds for new photos Y
PQ1 C Web-quality images shall be displayed by default. N
PQ2 I Print-quality images shall be available. Y
PQ3 I Automatically generated thumbnail and web-quality versions. N
PQ4 D Archive-quality images shall be stored. ?
PQ5 D Custom thumbnails (e.g. choosing to crop over shrinking.) N? Maybe an option
PQ6 D Support for short video Y?
PQ7 D Support for long video Y?
PERF1 I Quota > 0.5 TB, if any Y
PERF2 I Low-cost Y
PERF3 I Fast response time Y
PERF4 I Scale to thousands of tags N
PERF5 I < 1 minute face-time per photograph N
PERF6 D Free Y
UI1 C Forward/Backward navigation between photos in album. Y
UI2 D Slideshows N
UI3 D Display of many thumbnails at once Y
PRIV1 C Their email address should never be published on the web. Y
PRIV2 I Registration and logging in not required for general use. Y
PRIV3 I Robust privacy features for photographs N?
WF1 I Hint to original location on my harddrive N
WF2 I Auto-complete or partial search on tags during input N
WF3 D Read EXIF data from image Y
WF4 D Support unpublished draft state ?
MIGR1 C API to add photos ?
MIGR2 C API to add tags ?
MIGR3 I Tags can be non-specific to areas of photo Y
METR1 D “How many visitors?” metric Y
METR2 D “How long does a visitor stay?” metric N


A self-hosted PHP solution, once again, means that all of the data is owned by me, and once again, means that a lot of key functionality is missing.

I got a little excited about this one, and went as far as installing the software on my web-host.

I uploaded a print-quality image to the database, through a fairly manual process. I was disappointed when it displayed the full-sized image back at me on the main page of the site. No scaling to screen-size means a critical requirement is missed.

I could see how to tag, but the tags were not displayed to the user in either of the templates provided.

Oh, and a plea to Web 2.0 developers everywhere. Tags are phrases, not words. Ergo, spaces are not tag delimiters. That is all.


  1. Oh, and a plea to Web 2.0 developers everywhere. Tags are phrases, not words. Ergo, spaces are not tag delimiters. That is all.

    This is my stance as well. I haven’t used tags that much, whether on blogs or photo-sharing sites, because a few early attempts were so confusing and traumatic. Most sites I’ve used (which admittedly are not that many) don’t list their tag rules, so I am left to guess things like whether I can use spaces; whether if I try to use quotes to protect spaces (and apostrophes) I’ll actually wind up with literal quotes in the tags; whether case is significant or will be preserved; etc. There have been times that I’ve guessed wrong, and then couldn’t fix the tags because the add/update/delete operations were buggy. (I think most notably on an early iteration of Zooomr, I noticed that it displayed mixed case tags, so I tried to make use of it, but I accidentally messed up the capitalization on a tag and couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to fix it. I deleted it and added it back and it still remembered the old case. And I could have sworn that I could make it show correctly for one picture but not for another, or one view but not another. It was all very spooky and frustrating. It may or may not have been fixed by now.)

    I was beginning to wonder if I just had defective instincts on what tags should be and how they should behave. Well, most likely my instincts are still suspect, but at least some of my problems with tags are not mine alone.

  2. Whoa! People are actually reading this stuff? I was thinking it was more just being read into the record.

    My opinion on case-sensitivity is well-known.

    I note that WordPress is case-insensitive in its categories and tags, and it takes the first usage (in the case of tags) or the declaration (in the case of categories) to determine the case that it uses throughout.

    However, it uses the same table for both of them.

    For reasons I can’t explain, it seems natural to use Title Case for categories, and lower case for tags, but WordPress conflates the two, making that impossible when the same phrase is used for both.

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