
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Roadworks Explained

Have you ever noticed how they always seem to be digging up the road near where you live? Have you ever wondered why?

Now, you can finally learn the truth that your government has been keeping from you.

There is a shortage of dirt. That’s right – there is not enough dirt to cover the entire globe. To cover up this state of affairs, the government keeps digging holes in one place, and using the dirt to fill the last hole they dug. By continually moving dirt around, they have kept this shortage hidden from us for decades!

I have known the truth now for several years. Until now, I have been very careful who I share it with. If the wrong people found out that I knew, they would spreading falsehoods to undermine my message – for example, suggesting it is just a crackpot, conspiracy theory.

Now, however, I finally have the proof I need to blow the lid on this terrible scheme: Someone must have been sick or behind schedule, and the results have made the truth clear.


  1. I thought people who referred to it as the Lane Cave Tunnel were just using a snobbish North Shore affectation.

    I know now that they, like you, were in the know.

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