
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Password Security and Fish: Best Practice

A transcript of a conversation with two friends:

Julian: “I’ve had an idea. I am going to name my next pet `v7qo!rt’, so then I can use my pet’s name as a password, and yet still be secure.”

L: “You are going to call that out in the yard?”

Julian: “Hmm… no, that wouldn’t be secure.”

L: “You’d better make it a fish then, rather than a dog or cat.”

D: “Fish would work; every time you find them floating upside at the top, it would be time to change your password.”

L: “Uh oh, I can just see it now-”

L walks up to a nearby aquarium and peers in and pretends to be upset at what she sees: “Oh no! I had three password changes today!”

I don’t care what they think, I still think this makes more sense than my other attempts to maintain my account security. Changing my mother’s maiden name by deed poll every 60 days is proving to more difficult than you might imagine.


  1. L: “You are going to call that out in the yard?”

    When our current cat is raptured, our new cat will be called “Surprise.”

    Calling for it will never get old.

  2. Cute. How about just using a password manager and saving the lives on many innocent fish?


    PS. I’m a highly-biased founder of an online password manager 😉

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